Saturday, 27 September 2014

Ch-ch-changes, and such like..

Like it or loathe it, change is one of life's constants. The only control we have in matters of change, upheaval, distress, etc. boils down to how we choose to react to them...It's not easy, as most of us know. 

I've been thinking about this a lot as there's been some changes in my life recently that I haven't exactly welcomed with open arms. I want to move in a particular direction but life is hell-bent on taking me in another...Ugh! But, when you fight *what is*, you're guaranteed one outcome: misery. 

Just as I was starting down that rabbit hole, I was reminded that faith (in the Universe, Unicorns, Love, whatever...) isn't something you cherish when times are good and relegate to the sidelines when the road gets rocky. Sometimes, you just have to admit that things are a bit shit/not exactly the way you want them to be, and roll with the punches anyway. Admitting that doesn't have to shake your faith that all will be well. It tends to strengthen it more than anything, in my experience at least.

I've tackled some pretty big hurdles in my life. If you're above ground, chances are, you've tackled some major hurdles too. Sometimes we think that we won't survive the difficult periods in our lives - usually as we're going through them - and yet we do. Some say we should even be thankful for the most difficult periods in our use a trite maxim, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger...

If you're travelling along a rocky road right now, I feel you. Keep going, keep the faith and keep learning . And 'cultivate an inner-voice that is 100% on your team' ~ W.D.

Love and light x

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